The Agency
ATTOLINI is the first Italian integrated communications agency in Russia, established by a group of artists and professionals with decades of experience in the world of communication. With offices in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin and Bari collects a customer portfolio of high international level. The staff members have worked together or individually in various capacities with Norman 95, Imola race, San Sicario, 2006 Turin Olympics game, Armani, Dolce and Gabbana, Renzo Rosso (Diesel), OIOIOI International Art Gallery, Valentin Yudashkin, Spektre. P> The
Everything starts from the customer and his needs that are applied to the contemporary market of its sector. To sell a good product or a person you have to leverage marketing and communication precise, with method, creativity, and a careful look at both the contemporary and the future. Marketing, communications, web design, web marketing, social marketing, viral marketing, video will involve and transform the way we do business and to conceive of the company in the modern market. What differentiates us from the classical integrated communications agency is the creative approach and unique in the conception and development of a marketing campaign and especially the team; made up of artists and media professionals at an international level recognized by specialized institutional critique, the press and the public. P>
The Team
Founder: Francesco Attolini and Massimo Canepa
Image director: Tony Federico
Web: Evgeni Bulanov
3d: Massimo Rago